

  1. C. Obrero, M. Tirfe, C. Lee, S. Saptarshi, C. Rock, K. Daniels, K. Newhall (2024) Electrical Transport in Tunably-Disordered Metamaterials, ArXiv
  2. K. Daftari and K. Newhall (2024) Memory signatures in path curvature of self-avoidant model particles are revealed by time delayed self mutual information, ArXiv
  3. A. Coletti, B. Walker, K. Bloom, K. Newhall (2024) Different relative scalings between transient forces and thermal fluctuations tune regimes of chromatin organization, ArXiv
  4. K. Newhall (2024) A Primer on Stochastic Partial Differential Equations with Spatially Correlated Noise, Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics, 16
  5. P. Vasquez, B. Walker, K. Bloom, D. Kolbin, N. Caughman, R. Freeman, M.Lysy, C. Hult, K. Newhall, M. Papanikolas, C. Edelmaier, M.G. Forest (2023) The power of weak, transient interactions across biology: A paradigm of emergent behavior, Physica D, 454(15), 133866
  6. B. Walker and K. Newhall (2022) Numerical computation of effective thermal equilibrium in Stochastically Switching Langevin Systems, Phys. Rev. E 105, 064113 ArXiv
  7. K. Daftari and K. Newhall (2022) Self-avoidant memory effects on enhanced diffusion in a stochastic model of environmentally responsive swimming droplets, Phys. Rev. E, Vol 105, 024609 ArXiv
  8. C. Moakler and K. Newhall (2022) The Hydra String Method: A Novel Means to Explore Potential Energy Surfaces and its Application to Granular Materials, Granular Matter, 24 ArXiv
  9. [pdf] P. Pyzza, K. Newhall, D. Zhou, G. Kovačič, D. Cai (2021) Network Mechanism for Insect Olfaction, Cognitive Neurodynamics, Vol. 15, pp.~103-129 ArXiv
  10. Y. Gao, J. Marzuola, J. Mattingly, K. Newhall (2020) Non-local SPDE limits of spatially-correlated-noise driven spin systems derived to sample a canonical distribution, Phys. Rev. E, Vol. 102, No. 5, 052112 ArXiv
  11. Y. Gao, K. Kirkpatrick, J. Marzuola, J. Mattingly, K. Newhall (2021, accepted 2020) Limiting Behaviors of High Dimensional Stochastic Spin Ensembles, Comm. Math. Sci., Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 453 – 494 ArXiv
  12. [pdf] J. Crodelle, K. Newhall, P. Pyzza, G. Kovačič (2019) Coarse-grained descriptions of oscillations in neuronal network models, Comm. Math. Sci., Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 1437 – 1458
  13. E. Weimer and K. Newhall (2019) Development of data-driven models for the flow cytometric crossmatch, Human Immunology, Vol. 80, No. 12, pp. 983-989
  14. [pdf] B. Walker and K. Newhall (2018) Inferring Information Flow in Spike-train Data Sets using a Trial-Shuffle Method, PLoS ONE, 13(11): e0206977
  15. [pdf] K. Newhall, G. Kovačič, I. Gabitov (2020, accepted 2018) Polarization dynamics in a resonant optical medium with initial coherence between degenerate statesDiscrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S, Vol. 13, No. 8, pp. 2285-2301
  16. [pdf] K. Newhall and E. Vanden-Eijnden (2017) Metastability of the Nonlinear Wave Equation: Insights from Transition State Theory, J. Nonlinear Sci.Vol. 27, No. 3, 1007-1042
  17. M. Erdogan, J. Marzuola, K. Newhall and N. Tzirakis (2015) The Structure of Global Attractors for Dissipative Zakharov System with Forcing on the Torus, SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Syst., Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 1978-1990
  18. [pdf] K. Newhall, M. Shkarayev, P. Kramer, G. Kovačič, and D. Cai (2015) Synchrony in stochastically driven neuronal networks with complex topologies, Phys. Rev. E, Vol. 91, No. 5, 052806
  19. [pdf] K. Newhall, E. Vanden-Eijnden (2013) Averaged equation for energy diffusion on a graph reveals bifurcation diagram and thermally assisted reversal times in spin-torque driven nanomagnets, J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 113, No. 18, 184105
  20. [pdf] J. Zhang, K. Newhall, D. Zhou, A. Rangan (2013) Distribution of correlated spiking events in a population-based approach for Integrate-and-Fire networks, J. Comput. Neurosci., published online
  21. [pdf] K. Newhall, E. Atkins, P. Kramer, G. Kovacic, I. Gabitov (2013) Random polarization dynamics in a resonant optical medium, Optics Letters, Vol. 38, No. 6, pp. 893-895
  22. [pdf] K. Newhall, L. Pontani, I. Jorjadze, S. Hilgenfeldt, J. Brujic (2012) Size-topology relations in packings of grains, emulsions, foams and biological cells, PRL, 108, 268001
  23. [pdf] K. Newhall, I. Jorjadze, E. Vanden-Eijnden, and J. Brujic (2011) A statistical mechanics framework captures the packing of monodisperse particles, Soft Matter, 7, 11518-11525
  24. I. Jorjadze, L. Pontani, K. Newhall and J. Brujic (2011) Attractive emulsion droplets probe the phase diagram of jammed granular matterPNAS, doi:10.1073
  25. [pdf] K. Newhall, G. Kovacic, P. Kramer, A. Rangan, and D. Cai (2010) Cascade-Induced Synchrony in Stochastically-Driven Neuronal Networks, Phys. Rev. E., 82, 041903.
  26. [pdf] K. Newhall, G. Kovacic, P. Kramer, D. Zhou, A. Rangan, and D. Cai (2010) Dynamics of Current-Based, Poisson Driven, Integrate-and-Fire Neuronal Networks, Comm. in Math. Sci., Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 541-600.
  27. [pdf] K. Newhall, B. Brzek, R. B. Cal,  G. Johansson, and  L. Castillo (2006) Skin Friction and the Inner Flow in Pressure Gradient Turbulent Boundary Layers, 36th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, AIAA-2006-2887, June 5-8 San Francisco, CA.
  28. B. Brzek, R. B. Cal, K. Newhall, G. Johansson, and L. Castillo (2006) LDA Measurements in Rough Surface ZPG Turbulent Boundary Layers, Proceedings of 2006 ASME Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, FEDSM2006-98508, July 17-20 Miami, FL.
  29. K. Newhall, R. B. Cal, B. Brzek, G. Johansson, L. Castillo (2006) Smooth and Rough Turbulent Boundary Layers: A look at Skin Friction, Pressure Gradient and Roughness, Proceedings of 2006 ASME Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, FEDSM2006-98517, July 17-20 Miami, FL.
  30. X. Wang, K. Newhall, and L. Castillo (2005) Velocity Profile for Pressure Gradient Turbulent Boundary layer, 4th AIAA Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Conference, Toronto, Canada.
  31. [pdf] K. Newhall and D. Durian (2003) Projectile-shape Dependence of Impact Craters in Loose Granular Material, Phys. Rev. E, 68(6).