Dr. Coletti

Congratulations to Dr. Anna Coletti who successfully defended her PhD thesis “Different relative scaling between transient forces and thermal fluctuations tune regimes of chromatin organization” on Nov 13, 2024.


I am now the newest member at large of the GSNP (Group on Statistical and Nonlinear Physics) board!

DMREF grant funded!

Newhall and Team Awarded $2M NSF Grant to Revolutionize Materials

Dr. Daftari

Congratulations to Dr. Daftari who graduated in May 2023!

Dr. Moakler

Congratulations to Dr. Moakler who successfully defended his thesis “The Hydra String Method and its Application to High Dimensional Potential Energy Surfaces Arising from Granular Systems” July 8th, 2021.

Dr. Walker

Congratulations to Ben Walker who successfully defended his thesis “Emergent Structure and Dynamics from Stochastic Pairwise Crosslinking in Chromosomal Bead Models” today!!!!

Thesis Defense

Congratulations to Yuan Gao for successfully defending his thesis “Metropolis Dynamics of Random Spin Systems” today!!!

Outstanding Referee

I have been selected as one of the 2019 group of Outstanding Referees of the Physical Review journals!

NSF Funding

My research is funded by the National Science Foundation under grant DMS-1816394!

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